
About Gaurav Kumar Bharadwaj

This is Astrologer vedic seva kendra.I am doing astrology about 20 years, I born in a North Indian brahmin family near Krishana Janm Bhumi. My all family members are doing some religios work. I am graduate in bachelor of Engineering in electnoices and communication field. I have a mindset to get in-depth knowledge of a field where I have intrest. and sinse child hood i have very much intrest in astrology.

This is Astrologer vedic seva you can ask about your Study field, Career field, Marraige/Love, Kundli Milan, Finance, Traveling, Siblings, Desires, Foreigrn settlement and ,many more questions.Astrologer Vedic Seva has a huge clientele across the world. His clientele and his experience have made him win many awards.

Through the transformative power of astrology, we aim to foster greater harmony, compassion, and connection among all beings, fostering a global community rooted in mutual respect, understanding, and support. Lots of the things have made him famous And there are lots of things that make a person come to Astrologer Vedic Seva. He makes people believe in astrology and use it when there is actual necessity of it.

Family Health & Relationship, Marriage Problem, Job And Business Problem, Foreign Settlement, House And Property, K.P. Astrology, Lal Kitab, Prashan Astrology. Call +91-9828033336

Our Services

Astrological Solutions To All Your Problems

Job and Business problem Astrology Predicts The Right Way To Know Your Best Profession. Get Some Key Points For Suitable Career Options You Can Contact Us.
Tf evil effect is removed by the remedies (Family Health & Relationship Problem), the evil effect will be removed from the total family itself.
The natal chart predicts whether a person is destined to marry or not. While some astrological combinations promise marriage, a few others deny it.
Astrology is a method of predicting mundane events based upon the assumption that the celestial bodies—particularly the planets and the stars.
The sixth house, seventh house, eighth house, ninth house and twelfth house in kundli are responsible for abroad settlement.Contact us for better solution.
Lord of the fourth house and Lagan and its Lord are vital factors that delineate the destiny of your property possession.for suitable solution you can contact Us.

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K.P. Astrology

Prashan Astrology

Lal Kitab


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I feel blessed to have met Astrologer Vedic Seva in my life. I always follow his advice to improve my health, wealth and family growth. He told me about my wife's horoscope and said that it is true that my wife is going to undergo emergency surgery.

Vikalp Kumar

To stop my divorce, I sought the advice of Astrologer Vedic Seva. Using her remedies unquestionably helped me a great deal in preserving my marriage and fostering love between us.and I really feel blessed because he has protect my marital life.

Mahek Singh

I have found consultation with Astrologer Vedic Seva very useful. I have faced many obstacles in my professional life and his guidance has made a huge difference in me. I can only advise those who have difficulties in professional or personal life

Sikha Sharma